
Stepan Boldt

Meyerstraße 70
99423 Weimar

E-Mail: post[at]

About me

I’m fascinated by the development of an abstract idea into an elaborate programmed script. As an expert in both web programming and web art, I’m able to use the technology experiment freely with new possibilities of web development. In my process of designing and building a web project, functionality goes hand in hand with visualization. Through this methodology, it’s possible to test a concept from the very first moment of development, and create transparency for colleagues and clients. At each distinct stage of the process, the project is tested carefully and optimized on all browsers and mobile devices.

I developed this specialization through my master’s degree in Media Art and Design at Bauhaus University Weimar, which included an internship at ‚FLYACTS GmbH‘, and app development agency, and work at edu-sharing – Open Source Software Development [note: what’s the formal way to write this ‚edu-sharing‘ thing – is it a company or an organization?]

I like to work with designers on individual web solutions, using the following technologies:
– Html5, css3, Sass
– JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJS, Three.js
– Php, MySql and WordPress as CMS

Most of my projects are realized in cooperation with the design studio ‚Happy Little Accidents‘.

Legal Disclosure / GDPR

Resbonsible as defined by §§ 8 to 10 of the Telemedia Act (TMG): Stepan Boldt

Responsibility for the content of external links lies solely with the operators of the linked pages. No violations were evident to me at the time of linking. Should any legal infringement become known to me, I will remove the respective link immediately.


© 2014 — 2024 Stepan Boldt. All rights reserved.

Stepan Boldt

Vita & Kontakt

